[PDF] The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings by Friedrich Nietzsche - Id Sejarah Kita

[PDF] The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings by Friedrich Nietzsche

Hello, comerades! Here, id.sejarahkita.com will share an Ebook The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings by Friedrich Nietzsche.

Book Identity:

Title: The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings

Author: Friedrich Nietzsche

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Year: 1999

Language: English

Pages: 202

ISBN: 0521639875, 9780521639873

ID: 529087

Series: None

Periodical: None

Edition: None

Library: Library

Library Issue: до 2011-01

Size: 3 MB (3420461 bytes)

Extension: pdf

BibTeX: Available

Link: Available

Time Added: 2011-06-04 13:46:07

Time Modified: 2019-12-21 21:23:21

Edit Record: Libgen Librarian

Commentary: None

Topic: Philosophy/Literature

Book Synopsis:

The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings is a collection of philosophical works by Friedrich Nietzsche. The book includes his famous essay "The Birth of Tragedy," in which Nietzsche argues that Greek tragedy arose as a synthesis of two opposing artistic impulses: the Apollonian, which represents harmony, order, and form, and the Dionysian, which represents chaos, irrationality, and ecstasy. Nietzsche claims that this synthesis was lost in modernity, leading to a culture that is too focused on reason and lacking in vitality.

The collection also includes several other essays and fragments, including "Homer's Contest," "The Greek State," and "On Truth and Lies in a Nonmoral Sense." These works explore themes such as the nature of art, the role of the individual in society, and the limitations of language in conveying truth.

Overall, The Birth of Tragedy and Other Writings is a seminal work in Nietzsche's philosophy and a significant contribution to the fields of literature, art, and culture. It continues to be widely read and studied today.

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